THE FIRST GREEN YOGA CONFERENCE | September 16 -19 , 2005
Hasita is giving a Yogagaia workshop at the first International green yoga Conference. On Saturday September 17 and Sunday September 18, 2005 at 11 am at the Pema Oselin Lin Monastery, in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
The Yogagaia workshop consists of asanas, language, music, dance and silence that has the intention to lead us from expanding our body awareness toward a Kosmic and planetary awareness.This workshop consists of 50 minutes of yogagaia experience, that includes a meditation. A 25 discussion on”what is yogagaia” , “what is yogagaia’s task” and “what is yogagaia’s practice.” 20 minutes of Q&A, and 10 minutes guided shavasana.
Outline of discussion WHAT IS YOGAGAIA :
Yogagaia’s Pathless Path:toward an Earth and Kosmic consciousness.
Yogagagia is Transformation: along the irreversible evolutionary spiral of the Kosmos.
Yogagaia is Sanga: the Earth Community, that belongs to it self and to all of Her component members.
Yogagaia is Seva: service to all beings sentient and not sentient
Is to heal us from our cultural disorientation regarding our relationship toward the planet and guide us toward a new paradigm: moving from an anthropocentric to an ecocentric world view.
Honoring the myth of the sacred journey ;Being the transformer of the human toward a new human species;To co-create with the universe an Ecozoic era, Which ultimately is the fulfillment to manifestation of the human species’s true nature.