You are invited to contribute by sharing your insight of what Yogagaia is for you.
It can be a poem, a quote, a picture, a photo, a song, a yoga pose, a breath, a meditation. It can be your muse or somebody else’s insight.Yogagaia invites you to share announcements of events, workshops, retreats, or vision quests that address a practice that raises our consciousness in connection to the universe.
Yogagaia invites you to share any rituals that heal our deep connections to Gaia, our mother Earth.
Yogagaia invites you to share titles of books and publications that enhance our understanding of Yogagaia.
Yogagaia is grateful for any comments or suggestions related to the Yogagaia website.
Send your contributions to me by e-mail, and if selected, they will be posted with your name (or anonymously, if you so choose).