Cheneil 2019 – Sauntering the Italian Alps…

Reconnect with Our Body, Our Compassionate Planet & Our Evolutionary Story.
With Hasita Nadai & Brahmani Liebman • September 15 – 17, 2017
This yoga teacher training is for yoga teachers and others who would like to bring forth an ecological perspective to teaching, facilitation, and other forms of leadership, as well as those who simply want to deepen their experience of ecology of yoga. Read more
Hasita teaches at the Rivertown Center for Yoga and Health
Saturday BEGINNER’S MIND YOGA (11:15am-12:30pm) in Dobbs Ferry.
Hasita Nadai MA, MS, Hasita is a Professional Registered Kripalu Yoga Teacher, RYT, and teaches yoga for children and adults. She has been teaching yoga at The Rivertown Center for Yoga & Health since 1993.
In the beginning of the beginning there was Light. The identity of this cosmic light has fascinated mystics throughout time. Some see it as a primordial urge in the universe that moves us along towards greater consciousness. Some see it as an endless light that fires creation and creativity. Some see it as the Big Bang. We stand now on the edge of old paradigms and on the brink of new ones. Read more